The Lord makes His plan of Salvation clear...
You need to be saved. "For all have sinned
and come short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23
You cannot save yourself. "Not by works or
righteousness ye have done, but according to
his mercy he saved us." -Titus 3:5
Jesus has provided for your salvation.
"For God so loved the world that he gave His only
begotten Son, that whosoever believes
in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
-John 3:16
You must accept Jesus as your Savior.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved."
-Acts 16:31
Now is the time to accept Jesus as your Savior.
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day
of salvation." -II Corinthians 6:2
God Speaks to us through His word (Bible).
We speak to God through prayer. Something like this...
"Dear Lord Jesus, I realize that you are the Savior, and
that I need you to save me. Forgive me, for my sins.
I am no longer going to turn away from your love,
but I, right now, turn to you and receive your love.
I now invite you into my life as Savior and Lord to save
me from my sins. Thank you Lord for saving me. I ask
this in the name of Jesus, Amen."
The Church
Cornerstone Baptist Church has God’s Word, the Bible,
as it’s blueprint for everything we are, do, and say.
According to that blueprint, Christ is the Foundation
and Chief Cornerstone, therefore the work of the church
is to carry on the work that Christ began. On that solid
foundation we build our church, our ministry, and ourselves.
The first of those building blocks is that of Salvation.
Salvation is coming to Christ and accepting His payment
for sin, by His death on the Cross. It is only through
Salvation that we can have fellowship with the God the Father.
The second building block is Worship. Worship is seeing
God for who He really is and ascribing worth to Him.
We worship every time we focus our attention on Him
and are obedient to His plan for us.
The third building block is that of Evangelism, evangelism
is going and proclaiming of the good news of Christ to
the whole world. Cornerstone is determined to tell our
community that Christ loves them and offers forgiveness
of their sin. Cornerstone also knows that we need to reach
beyond our community and help to spread the good news
throughout the whole world.
The fourth building block is that of Stewardship. Recognizing
that everything we have comes from God, Stewardship is giving
of ourselves to fulfill His plan. This is accomplished through giving
of time to meet the needs of those around us, the giving of talent
to aid in worship and ministry, and the giving of tithes to provide
resources to accomplish our commission.
The fifth building block is Faith. Faith is believing that God will do
what He has promised. God’s Word as the blueprint for the church
and our lives, provides all that we need to live as a Christian in today’s
world. All of God’s commands are accompanied by a promise that
He will provide the means and strength to accomplish them.
The Sixth building block is Discipleship. Discipleship is growing
as a Christian. This comes as a direct result of becoming a
student of the Bible and a follower of Christ. It is the goal of
Cornerstone Baptist Church to see that every member is a
disciple of Christ.
Cornerstone Baptist church will be built on the foundation
of Jesus Christ and according to the blueprint of the Bible.
It is our responsibility and privilege to see people coming
to Christ, seeing God’s plan for their lives, going and telling
others, giving of themselves for the work of the ministry,
believing in faith that God will provide strength and means
to do his plan, and as a result of that, growing as individuals
and as a church. |
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