

Cornerstone is built on the premise that church should be
about Building Life Together based on the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ.
Every aspect of our ministry is specifically designed to help build your life into a house in which God fully indwells.

The Foyer
The entry point for most people is the 10:30 Contemporary Service. We are also offering a Saturday night service at 6:30pm. As a guest of Cornerstone,
we have designed our worship services to be inviting and friendly. All we ask of our guests is that they fill out a guest card and place it in the offering at the close of the service.

The Living Room
The second room we invite you to enter is one of our frequent
Small Group activities. Connecting with other people in our stage of life, making friends, Building Life Together.

The Dining Room
The third room we invite you to attend is our weekly Small Group Bible Studies. At various times, on Sunday and throughout the week, we gather and apply the Bible to our daily lives, while enjoying hot coffee, juices, and refreshments.

The Kitchen
All great parties end up in the kitchen. The fourth room we invite you to is ministry. As you attend Cornerstone, you will have many opportunities to get involved in various ministries to both the community and the church.