
Frequently Asked Questions

What does Cornerstone Believe?
Simply stated, we believe that man is a sinner
and separated from God by that sin. That God
sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross taking
our punishment, and giving salvation and grace
to all who would place their trust in His
substitution. That the Bible is God’s Word
and that it is without error, literal, and our only
guide for what we believe, say, and do.

When was the church started?
Cornerstone held its grand opening on
Easter Sunday March 30, 2002.

Why does Cornerstone meet in a school?
With the rapid growth of the area, as well as the church,
it is best to meet in a temporary facility until land can be
purchased and a building erected.

Is the church affiliated with any denomination?
No, Cornerstone is independent, self supporting, and self

How does one become a member?
To be a member one must know Christ as personal Savior,
be baptized and have attended our church membership class.

Do you have to be a member to attend?
No, anyone is welcome to attend any and all of our services.

How should one dress?
People choose to worship in casual attire, as well as their Sunday best and everything in between.